Thursday 29 August 2024


A slight change to the pen today, less bedding and more puppy pads. They are obviously not 100% clean, but hell they are learning very quickly. 
If you follow Facebook no doubt you've seen a lot more photos and been reading the coat conversations. I must admit I got miffed by the people who have said "it doesn't matter." Well of course it matters, Ok it's not life or death, it doesn't affect the health of the animal, but as a breeder who wants to know everything about their litter, it matters. Thankfully, it doesn't matter to the pups prospective owners, but to breed people like me, the guessing game is part of the fun, the excitement and enjoyment of having a litter, so in that context as well, yes it does matter! (And ... and ... though I will put my hand up if I'm wrong, it would be nice to be right!!!)