Wednesday 19 January 2022

Not A Soul In Sight

Zeus, Jezi and Nico
I couldn't get a decent photo of these three today. Luckily, I managed a captured from the moving image. Getting all three to look ahead at one time is so bloody difficult. 
Ziva, Ross, Sammi, Loki
Loki's tail is back in full working order today. Odd yeah
Siska, Kaiah, Orin
These are Blanik's future. I hope for continued success in the ring and somewhere down the line to be able to continue with the "M" litter. Siska will soon be going for her health tests, if they are favourable then hopefully we'll continue the line through her, if not then Kaiah will pay a return visit to Zalu. Theoretically, there is no reason why Siska's should not have good scores, but of course some of the lowest scoring parents can produce high scoring progeny, so nothing is set in stone.