Monday 24 January 2022

Manchester Champ

With Deerhounds in the ring before us we didn't need to set off at the crack of dawn yesterday, but getting up at 6am is still a shock these days! Unlike the previous show at the venue this show was being judged inside, at the door we had to show proof of our covid vaccination and were given an arm band to wear for the day. It did make everyone feel safer, but the halls are so vast that there is plenty of space anyway.
Orin is fast approaching 2 years old and had never been to an indoor dog show. I could feel he was a little tense as we first walked into the huge building, I'd experience a similar response from Mikey when he first walked into the NEC. Orin kept jumping up at me for reassurance, reassurance that he didn't get. I pushed him off, numerous times, and carried on walking. Within minutes, he was calm and relaxed, I was very proud of how quickly he settled. It was harder on dogs his age than many younger ones I'm sure. 
Friends puppies from club were in first, and they were place first and second in puppy dog. Great start. Callan was in Junior, OMG another first. He looked super in Sarah's hands and went round like a dream, thoroughly deserving his first. My O was in next, there were 6 entries, but only 3 came into the ring. Two of the usual suspects, Floyd and Ocean Cruz. Sadly Ocean Cruz was taken out of the class as he growled at the judge. His owner was obviously upset but felt the dog had found it all too stressful. So disappointing for her. O won the class and my heart was racing looking at how stunning he looked in the ring. Four boys exhibited from our little North Wales club, 3 first and one second, we can't get better than that can we?
After the males had finished it was a bit of a rush to get Siska in. Thankfully, as expected, she didn't give two hoots about anything other than "those people have got cake, I like cake!" She gave her usually half-hearted performance, but it was enough for her to win the class. I must admit that when she was standing for her critique she did look super, but as you can see when she was in the ring she still preferred to have a good look about! 
Bella, Loki's sister was in veteran bitch, now I'm sure Ian won't mind me saying, on paper she was not going to win, but she hammered it round the ring to show the others exactly what a veteran bitch should look like. She looked amazing and I think we all got a thrill from seeing her strutting her stuff. Maybe she can teach Siska about performance?  After all it's not just a beauty show a dog must be able to show that he's/she's capable of doing a days work. The beauty of correct conformation goes hand in hand with movement and a willingness to perform .. and not looking for cakes eh Siska!