Friday, 31 December 2021

My Introduction AS The Welsh Correspondent

 Hi and Happy New Year. I've agreed to have a bash at doing the Welsh news for the magazine, and I'm hoping my fellow Welsh GSD enthusiasts will help me and come along for the ride. The only way I can think that I can make this work is if you could kindly share your 2022 news with me via e.mail or messanger. 
When I decided I'd have a go at this I started going through a list of Welsh exhibitors with a friend, sadly I didn't get very far without coming across some sad news. Last Summer we'd had a new exhibitor from Anglesey attending the shows. Now to be fair I didn't know Julie Wright very well, but I did have a chat with her at Cheshire and at the North West Regional. She was exhibiting her puppy bitch Reckless Vom Haus Thalie. Anyway, I was really shocked to find that Julie had died in October and when I contacted a friend I was told that .. "Julie was involved in many shark conservation initiatives. She was very heavily into sharks, oceans, and conservation as well as her beloved GSDs. Julie had a great sense of humour and was a bright and spirited person. She sadly died due to complications from Covid. She will be sorely missed by a great many people. " 
 I look forward to seeing you all at the shows in 2022 and I hope that health and good fortune goes hand in hand with success love and friendship. 
Please don't forget to share your news with me - Rhian Stanley -