Friday, 17 December 2021

It's Only Just Begun

The noise level is already starting to increase here. Orin is more loud and annoying than Mr loud and annoying. Bless him. He has great interest in the girls already, and Siska seems to be finding his advances quite intimidating. She really seems to be unsure of what is going on and is constantly cleaning herself. Orin has more interest in bitches this early in the in season than Ross, but I guess with experience he'll learn it's far too early to be chasing after them. He thought of mounting Siska last night, it's really hard now, obviously it's not going to happen, but I don't want to tell him off either. I made that mistake with a young Dexi and when he started getting bitches coming for stud he wouldn't mate them it if I was there. I guess we may have to separate these earlier than is normally necessary? Kaiah is a few days in front of Siska but goes to day 19ish before ovulating, I've no idea when Siska will peak. It is really hard to know if Siska was actually in season earlier, that pink/brown "show" went on for a couple of weeks. I think I'll go with my gut and say she's started properly this week.
Orin has been barking on and off since around 7 am today, but Zeus decided to howl as we were getting up. To be fair Ross and Nico are pretty quite normally, though Loki will howl later in the season too. I think Mikey was probably one of the worst, he would start howling at about 5am, and there's not a lot you can do to stop them. Mikey also went off his food for days, as did Loki normally, but I hope the steroids may keep him eating this time. Nico never leaves food .. I can't imagine Orin will either, but Zeus and Ross already have! Happy day! 
Top photo of Orin and Siska - bottom photo of course is Mikey Mikey 💓