Wednesday, 1 December 2021

Boys Will Be Boys

 I've taken Zeus off the Arden Grange and put him on Titanium like the rest of the gang. There has been no adverse effects so far, apart from some unneeded weight gain, it will be immediately addressed. I often wonder if Orin is carrying just a touch too much weight; but I think what it is, is that he is a broader, heavier set dog than Ross and Loki. He has heavier bone and coat like Nico, but is quite a bit taller than him. To be honest I think Orin is the most powerfully built male I've ever owned, Dexi wasn't far off, but I'm sure Orin is stronger built at the same age. Anyway regarding his weight, put it this way Sarah always tells me "so and so is too fat" and Orin hasn't had the criticism yet so he must have been Ok through the show year. Of course when she tells me I do something about it, it often takes fresh eyes to see an issue/difference!
Walking Loki and Ross together again is going quite well, though I observed and commented last week that Ross is no longer willing to be the underdog. As "loud and annoying" as he is, he's not a troublemaker and is quite happy to focus his attention on his kong and a fed up, but patient Sammi. If I can walk them together then it really helps all round. It's the same with Nico and Zeus, they don't want to be best buddies, well Nico doesn't anyway, but they are accepting the walks together. Nico is a darling, I've never seen him fight, but he still has some authority about him. On saying that, Orin is becoming quite the macho man and there have been some swear words between them. Today on the walk Orin came running towards me, as he often does, I was just about to bend down and cuddle him when he launched up towards me ... An Orin snog was not something I was expecting.
The changes here since Loki has been ill have been very noticeable, I appreciate the brothers are growing up and maturing too, but without doubt there is no respect for Loki now. Nico never had time for him, I found that odd as Nico tends to get on with everyone/everything. To be fair though, even when there was human error and they both ended up together, Nico did nothing but assert his authority through growling. 
After being apart from Loki, Ross has moved up the ranks, he too is non-confrontational and doesn't harass Loki. Orin on the other hand barks and growls at Loki now, they are never loose together. Orin has never turned on anything, but he will not be bullied and even sticks up for himself with Kaiah. My concern is that a physically weak Loki may think he's still the big man and challenge Orin, should there be a confrontation Loki wouldn't stand a change! I'm not saying Orin would respond, he may just dismiss the weak link, but I worry .. I know what wild wolves do with weak family members, so it's best to keep them apart, and keeping Loki safe is paramount. Zeus has also picked up on Loki's weakness, he also barks and growls at him... and the biggest insult ever was that Zeus peed on the bedroom door when Loki was in the bedroom. I didn't catch him, but it had to be him, no one else had access to the hall. It's not behaviour that I'll tolerate, but to deal with it I'll have to catch him. I shouldn't laugh, but years ago I caught Blade cocking his leg on Simba whilst he was in a crate! Blade  was very much the big I am and Simba, having come back at 3.5 years old, was not accepted as part of the pack. 
I'm dreading Siska and Kaiah coming in season, Kaiah is due and Siska is just a waiting game. At this time of year the kennels will not be in use and they sleep in the same room as Loki, Orin and Ross. We'll cope, we have to, but I fear it'll be some difficult days. Ross has never really been difficult when bitches are in season, but Orin got himself in a right tiz at Kaiah's last season. As I've said if his abilities are as good as his intentions then one day he'll be a good stud dog!  
Off topic - the calendars have come today, I'm so disappointed that I seem to have f*cked up, I'm really disappointed and I apologise!