Sunday 24 May 2020

Tantrum Time

Ross doesn't remember that he ever behaved THAT BAD! OMG Ross you were the worst ever, but look at you now.💖 
Orin and I fell out for the first time last night. I decided to start teaching him to stand, he had other ideas. I held on to his collar to insist that he would do it, well the tantrum, teeth, screaming and back flips ... I hung on until he stopped, I stood him for 5 seconds, praised him and let him go. You should have seen his face, he looked so put out and sulky. I gave him 5 mins of play and did it again ... yes another tantrum. All I'm asking is 5 seconds of his time .. and he will have to learn to do it! 
I decided to give him a wormer last night too, with sheep and cat poo about I thought I would do it and then do it again at 12 weeks. With plenty of drontal puppy left here I gave him that. He didn't notice!