Sunday 17 May 2020


It's so weird how after Spice/Jazz left yesterday that there was such an obvious chance in the dynamics here. We hadn't really noticed change as the others left. Ginger had always been more aloof than the other bitches and also was the one with a big attitude, a proper little miss cocky socks. I had commented that she reminded me of Tali and you could just imagine her and Kaiah rubbing each other the wrong way. But as soon as Jazz left she changed, she craved our attention as the other puppies did and seem to respond to my calls instead of saying "I'm busy!" Obviously with no other siblings around the two also jelled as they had not done before and it was interesting to see Orin put her in her place .. I think she was quite shocked but I was pleased to see her response. Over the last 24 hrs I've got closer to her than ever ... I'm already really emotional over Isla's no show ... today is going to be hard!