Wednesday 6 March 2019


You remember him with love and affection, you remember the goofy funny dog who entertained us with his antics. You remember the affectionate younger dog who loved his new life with his new friends. You remember the beautiful looking dog with a kind nature who was easy to live with and love. I remember that too, but sadly and more so I remember the dog he became, the dog who showed indifferent to me like thankfully I have never witnessed before of after with any other dog. I remember the dog who walked away when I touched him and who avoided any eye contact with me. I remember the dog that did not like me anymore, or certainly he gave that impression .. heaven knows I'll never know why ... yes sadly that is who I continue to remember!
I hesitate so much before posting any photos of him in "memories" as I know what will happen. The enthusiasm from people for their memory of him and their indifference of the others will become apparent, and I find that so hurtful. I know they don't mean it, no one ever would but that doesn't take away from the hurt. Today for the first time in a long time I posted a photo .. a trio of sadly missed boys only to find nothing has changed, people still remember him with so much affection and show little regard to my others precious boys.
RIP my lovely Blanik boys. RIP my blonde haired soldier, despite your attitude towards  me and my ability to never understand how in your mind I wronged you, know for sure "you have been loved!"