We ask so much of these dogs. They get up and set off at silly O'clock. The excitement of getting up at that time is completely off the radar and they end up having to wait in the van until I'm ready to leave. They love the shows so much, and I love spending the days with them.
In the NEC the halls are full to bursting, dogs, shoppers, prams, trolleys, wheelchairs, loud music, tannoys, steps, ramps, shiny floors, carpets floors ..You name it they face it at Crufts. The amount of people who asked to stroke them and take photos of them yesterday was way more than ever.(The breed not just my dogs) We ask so much of these guys but they never let me down. They both took it all in their stride.
Kaiah .. well what can I say? 10 out of 10 for miss naughty knickers. She did everything that was necessary and required for the time and the place. Again I had to keep away, but seeing Ian by the ring was enough to keep her focused. Actually at one point I thought I may not get to see her at all as Ross kept calling out to her .. and of course she would answer! I must have walked miles during that class but the bugger wouldn't shut up! Eventually I was stood by the Belgian Shepherds when a Terv bitch started flirting with him .. well that was it, he played and I watched Kaiah .. from a distance yes, but I saw it all. I was just so proud of her .. she looked amazing.
The bond between Kaiah and Ross is really strong, they spat, they squabble, they quarrel like siblings, but my god they love each other. Mostly it's wonderful to see, it only goes wrong when in situations like yesterday, one needs to focus and the other distracts them. Anyway it was sorted and I was extremely proud of both of them.
Sadly Ross' breeder Helen didn't make it again yesterday, but her lovely hubby Dennis was there. I had hope she would be there as she hasn't seen Ross since he was 4 months old. I would value her honest opinion. Dennis was very complementary, but honest in saying his lack of coat will often go against him.
I got to see the stunning Zalu, I'm now even more in love with him. He's a very correct medium sized but strong dog. Stunning colour and character. I just hope this works out for me .. I just feel it in my gut that he is the dog for Kaiah! He's 5 and a half hours away but here's hoping eh!