Monday, 8 January 2018

Change Of Plans

10.20 Am
It's windy out there, really windy but what makes it worse is the temperature. Net weather predicts that with the wind chill the temperature up here is -10 this morning. I'm not surprised. I think I'll take the young dogs in the van and go down hill onto the slightly sheltered cycle track.
Ross is of course out since he's got up. He's so fascinated by the wind and anything that's blowing about is fair game. I do hope it's never windy at a dog show or I doubt we'll get anything out of him. Tali use to be the same, I use to sing to her  "The answer my friend is blowing in the wind ..." Kaiah was fascinated for a while too, but seems to have grown out of it now.
I completely changed my mind and decided to take the 4 youngsters to Cwm Dulyn. I hoped with the direction of the wind it would be a little sheltered there, thankfully I was right. We had a wonderful time, the ground was solid underfoot and we only saw one other person walking in the distance. Don't get me wrong it's not that I don't like people, I do. I hope I'm considered a kind compassionate person, (but others will have to tell you that), it's just I don't want to see people or their dogs when I'm out walking. Unless I'm walking with friends I like to be alone in the countryside with my thoughts and my dogs!
 By the rivers for a change 
the sun wasn't in the ideal space for photos on Loki's bridge.
On the rock - as usual. 
Sadly Loki had jumped off and there's no second chance with Kaiah so I had take it without him in it, shame.
When I got home the wind had eased dramatically so the others got a run on the mountain. Geeze it was still cold, don't you just love my selfie? HaHa