Generally it was a good day, if you like getting up at 4am and not getting home till 7.15pm that is! The journey went quickly as we nattered all the way there. Nico was great travelling with 3 dogs that he didn't know, actually all 4 dogs were great. It's always great to catch up with friends from all over the UK, and yesterday I got to put a face to another "Facebook" friend. Yes, for this and many other reasons I love dog shows and social media.
As we all sat having lunch Nico decided he could share Ivylene's lunch, taking a bite out of her roll as she tried to get it near her mouth! Ivylene giggled at Nico's surprise to his first taste of Piccalilli ... but yeah he came back for more. A while later, due to me being distracted by the Tibetan Mastiffs in the ring behind us, he managed to get a big lick of the swiss roll on the picnic table. With only one other witness we decided to say nothing! Later as I helped Debbie pack her crates Nico was suppose to be sitting in a "Wait" on a bench behind us, I turned round to see he had moved down two or three benches and was coming back with a Whole piece of French Bread Pizza! OMG I could have died! I fought to get it off him, put it back on the bench and Debbie and I, with Nico in tow, made a hasty retreat. I wonder if the owner came back for it? Did they eat it? OMG .... I hope it wasn't yours!!!