Friday 6 May 2022

Going AWOL With Loki

The first stop of the day was in the cafe/bakery in Penygroes to order mum an 80th birthday cake for next week. Whilst I was there I couldn't resist picking up sausage rolls and cake to share with her for lunch. I then drove to the vets to pick up Jezi's happy pills. I soon realised that the CKCS going in before me was going to be put to sleep. I took a breath but couldn't believe it when the owner walked out of the room so quickly. The dog screamed and screamed, a blood-curdling scream and hairs on my arms stood on end before the room came silent. How the hell can people do it? It is your responsibility to be there at the end, you are their everything, you are the only one who can offer comfort. Put your big girl pants on and do the right thing! Biting my lip I paid for Jezi's pills and rushed to the van before bursting into tears ... that poor little soul, so sad, I'm so sorry little guy. 
Steve hadn't felt well enough to come with me today, but Loki was more than up for the job. As we drove away from the vets he started to fart .. OMG .. we needed a stop before we got to mums, and I knew just the place! Bont Fechan is such a lovely spot and Loki and I enjoyed a few minutes in this peaceful, beautiful place to clear our minds of the difficulties that we are facing daily. One man with a Labrador and no lead didn't help, but it didn't escalate to anything other than a chat with me explaining why I didn't want his dog anywhere near Loki. Loki is totally none aggressive as was "Chester" but one shove from a mad Lab could have Loki over. 
Sausage roll and cream cake with mum for lunch. Loki helping her out with the extra pastry of course and then a long chat about dad. It still looks like he will be moving to the hospital nearer home next week, but has his 10 days of covid isolation to finish first. Mum and I then had a battle of wills, and she won. Dad needs PJ's and we need to collect his dirty stuff for washing. She is going on the bus to Bangor this afternoon, I offered every other alternate solution but she was not having it. 
Finally I must thank the green-eyed monster for one again sticking the knife in on a public Facebook page. She now says that because we/I stabbed her in the back that she has given up showing. At the risk of getting as boring as she is and repeating myself for the millionth time ... It was her mistake, she needs to own it. It's no one but the owners' responsibility to get their dog in the ring on time. At the time we were all concerned that she was missing the challenge, but she said that she was going home and that was the message that got back into the ring. I was in the ring with Bella, my phone the other side of the room, if the same scenario happened again today I honestly can't see what could have been done differently ... Maybe I could say to the judge -"excuse me Mr Judge can I run up to the other side of the hall to get my phone and phone the woman they've just told you has gone home?" Seriously, I think not. Yes I've cried about it again, as is my nature; I've felt bitter and angry that someone who I thought was a friend thinks that this is acceptable, that someone who knows the rules of the game can suddenly change them because they don't suite them!  The End. (Until she brings it up again!)