Wednesday 14 July 2021

Turn Back The Clock

 I struggled, I really struggled to pick my show male from the "K" litter. The front-runner constantly changing. By 6 weeks I had it down to two, Biscuit and Fudge - now known as Zeus and Orin. Of course coat influenced me, I love a LSH but at the end of the day my heart lies with the standard coat. Still that was only one factor in my choice, had the LSH been superior to the S/C then I would have been an idiot not to keep the better male. At the time I remember also thinking that we already have to choose judges for "type" add to that the discrimination from some against LSH and our choices of shows for the puppy would be even more limited. Conformation wise I also thought Orin just had the edge - it's now interesting to see that it is true, at 6 -8 weeks they are the mini version of the adult! 

Orin (above) had more body length, more length of leg and more second thigh. 
Though looking at Zeus he doesn't strike you are short coupled, but there is no doubt he's shorter than Orin in body length and he's not as tall.  Don't get me wrong, both are stunning, I'm equally proud of both and against each other in the ring, well it would be a close thing. 
Both the top photos are taken at 6 weeks, the bottom are take within days of each other. I'm still happy I made the right choice, for me, but neither would ever be a disappointment.