Thursday, 26 September 2019

Stick Your Sardines

The new food is going down a treat with the 4 young dogs. The others have 3 bags of CSJ to finish and they will go on it too. Ross loves it, whether it's a novelty or not I don't know but he's shoveling it down. (the others always do anyway) I'm not one for adding too much as I believe complete means complete but because of his poor coat I do try an add evening primrose oil and fish oil capsules to his food. He never notices them. With him eating so well I tried to add the Yumega powder and oil into his evening meal .. bingo .. he's eating it. Great I'm really chuffed with that.
Anyway, friends, especially raw feeder are always talking about the benefits of adding raw oily fish. I don't raw feed, it simply would be impractical and financially impossible, but I know of people who add tinned sardines to the dogs meals and I believe there are a lot of benefits to it. After reading about it on Facebook and knowing Ian firmly believes in the benefits I decided to try it. It would mean I could stop buying the capsules and hopefully stop buying butchers tripe for Mr fussy for his breakfast, and I thought he'd love it! Wrong! He doesn't like it and won't eat it! One full breakfast wasted. Bloody brown dog!