Ross .. what was wrong with Ross Saturday into Sunday? Why was he having trouble weeing? Do males get cystitis or is that a female only problem? What if it's his prostate? .. bloody hell he's only two. If it was an infection it wouldn't just go away .. would it? Could he have bladder stones? You could drive yourself crazy couldn't you. Thing is he's been OK since Sunday evening and I can't go to the vet and say, well he was like this and now he's not can I? Any re-occurrence and it's straight to the vet for young Ross.
Someone told me last night they didn't like Zalu, they didn't like his head or his colour, not the fact he's sable but the redness of the colour. Funny isn't it, that deep red colour is my preference and always has been. Heads are personal choice and I'm smitten with the dog, but I guess what really sold me on him was sitting on the floor being cuddled and kissed by him. There's a bit of a Louis character there and that's exactly what my little hard knock young lady needs to mellow things out!
I must have cycled to Bangor by the time I was thinking about Loki, I'm confident I've done all I can to try and help. I've got the pills and I've put him on 3 meals a day, but I'm not wrapping him up in cotton wool, I'm not taking his life away from him. Quality of life is paramount.
I then started to think about the van, this was about the time I decide to give up on the idea of sleep and get up. If all goes to plan and with help from friends I pick up the new van on the 1st of July. It's lovely looking, I can only hope it's as reliable as this one has been but without the free showers. On Sunday on the way home we had rain coming in from the drivers side, passengers side and into the back. Though we laughed about it at the time .. well enough is enough. I'll cry when I say goodbye to it, I'll miss the speed and agility. We've been everywhere in her and she has never let me down. Great van if someone could sort out the leaks!
I was then planning out the flooring and crates in the new van. As this newer model is slightly bigger I'm convinced my side crate doors will be too small, but surely someone will be able to tweak them to fit? Hope so. I don't think one rubber mat will be enough either, but I'll leave that to Mr S to measure and design. I spent the next hour reading about Peugeot expert vans online, there have been three models, the first is what I currently have, the second came in in 2006 till 2016 and the newer model came in then .. Just thought you'd like to know!!!
A cup of tea was called for .. and Jaffa Cakes .. OMG there is now less in a packet. When did they do that? I googled it .. they did it 2 years ago and I've never noticed ...Some swearing followed about prices and quantities, but at that time of the morning not even the cats were listening. I walked in circles barefoot on the cold kitchen floor, I find that helps and having had my cuppa I then returned to bed, Steve was awake and I had to tell him about there only being 20 jaffa cakes and not 24 in a packet now. I bet he was pleased!!!
Back in bed I thought about those awful photos from NWGSD that had been posted online last night. I'd laughed about them when I saw them but actually now I wasn't finding it so funny. How can a photographer post photos of dogs looking so awful. Nico looked like a street dog in his, honestly I've never seen such a terrible photo of him. I planned out my message in my head ..."I don't want to upset or offend anyone but I'd appreciate it if the photos of my two dogs could be removed. The veteran in his day has done a lot of winning and my bitch is just waiting for her coat to come back to go back into the ring. These photos are really not a true representation of either of them and I don't want them to be seen looking so poor. Thank you." Polite, pleasant but getting my point over. The photos have since been removed. Come on, myself, Linda and Ian are not photographers but take turns in taking photos and we get some crap too but to post such rubbish is beyond me. I would never intentionally post a photo of a dog in a bad light, a bad photo can do damage and is never forgotten.From what I gather they were asked to come to take photos of the winners as the usual photographer was away. I know they love the breed, but maybe if they are going to take similar event photos they really need to do some online research of what is required before the day.
Bottom photo is of Nico .. just me a camera and a ball ... a million times better than a professional's photo, I'm too scared to even share them on here incase they are copied and used against him again!