For the first time this Summer the heat got the better of me. I did the first walk and found it a little bit of a struggle, but to be honest I didn't think it was too hot. By the time I got back with the girls I felt physically sick, I could hear my heart racing and I was wet with sweat. Steve panicked at the colour of me and rushed me into the house before getting me a drink. I sat a while and he offered to take the youngsters to field, but it's simply not enough for them and I waited for cloud cover and decided to do a shorter walk with them. In the meantime Ross had got himself in such a state waiting for me that I ended up having to cut the walk even shorter.
To be honest I got quite concerned for him and had to cover him in a wet towel and limit what he was drinking when I got home. Going out today was a huge mistake for me, and keeping Ross waiting was obviously a mistake for him. But honestly I hadn't felt it on the first walk, it was as if someone turned up the heat, mad dogs and a welsh woman eh!
I know I'm in a minority but I find this heat really debilitating, I was so distressed today I burst into tears. I doubt I'll be walking again now whilst this hot spell continues, all I can do is take the dogs swimming early mornings and having given them their Summer flea treatment yesterday I can't do that now for another week. In any other weather I can pick the right set of clothes and get out there, in weather like today all I can do is sit about in the house or in the shade. I don't dispute that everywhere isn't stunningly beautiful, it is beyond belief.