Saturday 22 September 2018

The Older Generations

This morning Tia will return to sleep with Billy. They are both on my mind today as there was less than a year between them in age, and they've died just a few months apart. As youngsters they did play, but Tia had no interest in anyone once she reached adulthood and I guess Billy was a founder member of Jamie's gang. Jamie and Billy where playful and Jamie was always respectful of little Old Bill Bob. It's scary to think that Jamie himself will be 9 shortly. He came home with me as a tiny tot on the 4th of Dec 09 so was born sometime in early to mid October. 
Last night Oliver was more cuddly than usual and my stomach churned over as I thought that he has been here 14 years now too.  Always a shy boy who hides from strangers he is wonderfully affectionate with me, almost demanding at times. A lovely boy and it's hard to remember he was ever that little. (Top Photo)  

This was Oliver the day he arrived here. An hour or two earlier Steve was about to bury him when he made one quite sound. I collected him from Steve's place of work on a hot water bottle and still as I drove I wasn't sure if I was bringing a corpse home .. or not. On the bottle in front of the fire gradually the boy came back to life. I always say this is a video of Oliver coming back to life!