God knows what we would do without Sat Nav's these days even though we had a confusing last few minutes in finding the venue with Mrs Sat Nav getting it wrong, but we where so close and got there. Initially other than GSD folk we didn't know anyone, but what a lovely bunch of people who were chatty and most welcoming to us "Gogs." Ross sang his way to win Junior, OMG what a man. Imagining the scenario I was 6 foot away from the ring with Kaiah and had nowhere to go as I was stood by the wall. Ross was calling to her and she was replying. Ian could do nothing to shut him up and Kaiah refused to stop answering. I tried to stuff fish in her mouth but in her excitement she munched on my thumb. So we now had two singing dogs and a bleeding thumb and I'm stood looking at a wall .. but it made no difference. After struggling to do the individual we decided I should take Ross in for the rest of the class and peace was restored. Kaiah did call to him but one dirty look from me and he decided not to reply!
under the second judge group 4. Thanks to everyone who were amused by the situation, especially the man who gave me the plaster. They certainly do seem to have a better sense of humor down there than they do up here and the amount of people who came over to speak to us and the dogs was just wonderful. I would never normally go that far to an open show but if the circumstances where similar again ... after that welcome, of course I'd go!