Friday 2 March 2018

Weather and Ross Update

In 20+ years last night must be one of the wildest nights we've experienced on the mountain. The power of the wind was frightening, even this morning Steve struggled to get back into the cottage after filling up the coal bucket from our ever decreasing supply! The snow has blown into drifts but the freezing rain has made the yard lethal and our windows now look like we've got frosted glass! The wind is cutting through the cottage, I can't imagine how cold it would be without the the new heating system. We worry about damage outside, we worry we are going to run out of water, of coal etc .. but we also worry about our neighbours and their children who are living in a static caravan just up from us. A head count on Facebook of people up here and though pretty scared, all are ok so far.
I can't believe it, as I type the dogs start barking ... Aled the coal man has made it up here in his clapped out Land Rover that's not been on the road for years .. what a hero!
It's now three weeks since Ross has been on cage rest and restricted exercise .. one week to go! He's not limped for 2 and a half weeks, well 4 days into the trial. As he does everything on full speed letting him out today will be a worry. The snow in itself was fine for him but this frozen rain on top of frozen snow is really not human friendly let alone mad Ross friendly. I've only been letting him out  of the crate for 30 mins at a time, and on his own or with Loki at night. He's been walked alone, though I have let him run a little in the fields. Next Thursday, weather permitting we are at Crufts, on the Friday I'll ring the vet and suggest I gradually interact him again with the others over the following weekend. If he's got a problem then that's the time it'll show. Personally I see no point in taking him back to the vets and stressing him out unless the limp returns.
The van, though still parked at the bottom of the track has no MOT on it after tomorrow, it was booked in yesterday, but we obviously cancelled! That now also restricts us more as there's no way the car could get off the property. To be honest the van has been struggling and a neighbour had to put jump leads on it for me to get out on Wednesday. Possibly it needs a new battery, or heaters .. or something! It all adds to life's adventures!!!
Looks like a day in front of the TV today. The cats have no intention of going out, the dogs will take more convincing as the cold and wind is never a problem for them, but safety first! Saying that Sammi was quite spooked last night, and that's really out of character for her, she doesn't usually give a damn about anything and she's quite don't care about it all in today's daylight hours!
Stay safe everybody!