Friday, 16 February 2018

Ross And Asha

Things didn't go as I'd hoped today. With Steve unable to come with me to the dentist I had to leave Ross at home. It's taken 2 hour long appointments to get this root canal filling done, the most unpleasant dental procedure ever. Having endured it twice now, if I ever need another one doing then I'll just have the bloody tooth taken out!
So Ross stayed at home and has spent all morning in the crate, I just can't believe how good he is. Anyway he has a huge knuckle bone to keep him happy this afternoon.
I took him to Dog Club again last night and it went quite well, he was less vocal than he was on Tuesday but still very excited and desperate to play with anyone who'd give him the time of day. I did move him round a few times and the instructor for the night didn't see any abnormalities, unlike Tuesday when he was obviously lame in class. I know it's early days but nothing seems to have changed, you just don't know if he's going to be lame .. or not! A few people who hadn't see Ross for a month where shocked at how much he'd grown, I must admit I was shocked to see he was now taller than Marco! Tomorrow we have a show, we'll take him and see how it goes!
Asha is really pleased to have Loki back in the living room. I think loosing her mum and then finding her adopted son taken away from her had an affect on her. Though Loki was still in the same room as her at bed times with Kaiah being in season he was kept separate from all the bitches during the day. With both her mum and Loki taken away from her and no real bond with the others poor Asha did seem pretty damn lost. Anyway the season is over and her much loved boy is back with the pack so she's a happy bunny now.