I didn't realise I was feeling "off" till I took Ross in to be weighed and the vet said .. "Oh he's still a lean boy!" I beg to differ and after weighing him I just said, yeah I'm happy with that. Just an off the cuff remark from her but one that niggled at my brain on the way home. Another comment that has niggled at my brain yesterday was a GSD exhibitor said at last weeks show that Loki was badly out of coat. I just answered no, this is as good as it gets. To be honest I then forgot about it, but feeling as I was yesterday that then started to escalate out of context in my head. I agree Loki doesn't have a huge coat, but he didn't look out of coat then either.
Steve picks up on my "bad head day" very quickly and yesterday could see my struggling. Bless him he tried his damness (is that a word? Well I like it) to get me to stop, but sometimes stopping too soon doesn't help. I know that if all the dogs are walked then there is peace and harmony in the afternoons, and I really needed that yesterday. The way I feel isn't something I can explain and it's not something I experienced before my SAH, but in a way mentally it is partially similar to a bad case of PMT. I have no patients, I'm irritable, snappy and tearful. I can't find the words I need for the sentence and as the day continues I start to feel ill, that's all on top of the weird spaced out headache and the fatigue that will surely follow. Like I said I knew it was on the way yesterday morning but I did what I needed to do as doing them make no difference to what is ahead, the train hit me just after 3pm and I collapse in a heap on the sofa. I hope today will be better, but these days are definitely less frequent and I am here to moan about it!
Mikey's drawing arrived, an early Xmas pressie from Louise, Steve's daughter. That did not help with the emotion of the day, but I'm so pleased to have him on the wall along with Louis, Kai and Blade.
The snow forecast for us came and went within an hour, how disappointing for those of us that love it. Though we had snow last Winter I think it was 2013 when we were last snowed in here. Not sure I want to be snowed in for a week, but a few days is always wonderful.
Right on with the day ...