Monday 4 December 2017

Getting Good At These Videos

After years of not being able to upload videos I've finally found a simple way of doing it, providing I take them with my phone anyway. I can not change the size of the video, so it's down to the viewer to view in full screen by clicking on the little box at the bottom right of the video.
Tali was really full of herself today and was running down so fast she skidded in the mud and almost went down the side of smurf bridge .. I am so disappointed when I can't get photos of her, so I took a short video at the end of the walk. Though she is still lopsided and occasionally off balance after the Vestubular Syndrome her mobility is still excellent.
You can just about see the tips of Sammi's ears in a dip as she's stalking her mother Ziva in the distance. This is really not an interesting video, it was really another test run. Now that I can post videos without the hassle of uploading to You Tube I must try and remember to film more videos on walks.