Only 2 of the 4 entered in Ross' class where present but I was chuffed to bits to see him pulled out 1st and maintain the position. So not a bad start to his show career eh!
Marco, who belongs to my friend Jackie was in the second class and he also won his class, later beating Ross to take Best Puppy Dog and Best Puppy In Breed. I was so chuffed for Jackie, Marco looked ace and it was nice of the judge to come over and tell me that he loved Ross too but Marco was far more mature and looked more the part on the day. (There is 5 months between them!)
The journey home was also free of any weather difficulties, but I hoped that on Sunday it would snow, snow and snow!
One person did mention Ross' lack of coat at the show, though I agree, to be honest it's not someone who's opinion means jack shit to me really so moving on ...
One more funny story, a friend was watching the class that Ross was in and someone stood next to them and said.. "The L/c should win this class, he's the better dog, the better mover." (His friends dog) After Ross won the class the person showed their disapproval and walked away to talk to a mutual friend. This person obviously told him who Ross was and he returned to the ringside to backtrack on his views! Not comfortable with that he came over to talk to me, at the time I was oblivious of his previous comments but this was unknowing to him and he went on to try and justify his remarks. He said he felt the L/c had moved better individually but that Ross had stood well and had moved better when they moved together. He said Ross needed to extend more on the move .. well yeah maybe he does, but on the day and under that judge Ross did all that was needed of him and in my opinion if it counts for everything, coat or no coat he was the better puppy of the two on the day! Funny though yeah .. no courage to his conviction!
So fish and chips on the way home, just a word of advice ... if you ever stop at Keele services maybe get a KFC ... 3 fish and chips and 3 drinks .. £30, I nearly passed out!