Saturday 16 September 2017

Video On Facebook

With Ross' first show coming up in just 2 weeks we have a lot of practicing to do. He will only be 4 months and a day, this is a regional GSD event with a baby puppy class for puppies over 4 months. It is mainly for training purposes but I still don't want him going there with no clue of what to do. I'm quite chuffed really with  how well he's going round the ring, there is a video on Facebook.
The paranoia about the puppy/dog thefts still haunt me. Ross goes out for wee's with everyone else, but I've always sent him out for extra opportunities on his own. Now I'm just so nervous I send Loki out with him. I know if someone was hanging around that Loki would at least bark, Ross is still at an age where he'd go up to anyone so I feel more comfortable having an adult out there with him.
So what do you think of his conformation and colour? I love the colour, and to be fair he's looking pretty balanced isn't he. Well for me no complaints, only the one and the same uncertainty .. time will tell on that one!