Yeah we had a bit of wind and rain, but nothing that warranted a name! Seriously are they going to name every bit of rough weather we get all Winter? Come on guys look at what's going on in the rest of the world!
I can safely say that Mr Ross seems unaffected by his "Lab" incident and enjoyed playing with Story, Sari and Keeva at Ring Craft last night ... good thing was they were all puppies and though Story the Vizsla and Keeva the GSD are a little older than Ross they had some great games in the break.
I think the plan of action for now is to carry on as normal but to try not to put him in any situation that could possibly go wrong. We'll keep away from adult dogs other than his Blanik family until at least the next show. Maybe now I'll wait until he's a little bigger and maybe then he'll be able to deal with things a little better. I really didn't like how he handled the incident with the Lab, I understand any dog would react, but being so bolshie so young will not go down well with some adult dogs. We've got another couple of weeks where he is particularly vulnerable within the socializing period so yes we continue to go everywhere and do everything ... but with extra care, I'd really hate to fall at the last hurdle.