Well I just can't believe it, I've managed to cut Asha's nails. Until you've seen it you can never imagine the fights we've had over the years about cutting those nails! Her ability and strength in the fight without showing aggression is unbelievable. Aggression simply isn't in Asha, but brute force and determination is one of her strengths at nail cutting time!
Previously she's been to the vets and been sedated to have them done, but the last time a friend did them for me. Now that was one battle, but we did win. Anyway I suggested to Steve we try one a night as physically neither of us can hold her for the other to do them in one go. I got the clippers out and without any trouble I cut one, then another and a third ... sadly before I got to the fourth she started to pull her leg away. Now that's where it goes wrong, if she pulls away as your cutting you cut into the quick and it hurts and bleeds. But with a little help from Steve we got the fourth done and let her be for that night.
Doing the second front paw on the second night was a bit more of a challenge. This time she put up more of a fight and even started to shake, but with a little time and patience we got another 4 done. The back nails are fine, so now we have both the dewclaws to do but they are not too much of a problem really.
I guess the problem goes back to Nikki, she didn't have the best feet, they were flat rather than rounded with the nails growing out and not wearing with walking. With generations the feet have improved, Ziva and Sammi having the best feet here, therefore never needing their nails cut. But unfortunately, many others including Asha and Mikey need regular manicures. Mikey's no trouble he just let's me do it, but for Asha it has always been the biggest trauma of her life!