No doubt we have the facilities to keep dogs who don't get on, we have 2 outside pens, we have a garden to the middle room and a yard to the living room ... though currently in the garden and yard I just see mud!
As I do every evening I had put Orin and Siska in the living room with Steve, I'd come through into the kitchen and let the pensioners and the puppy in the yard for a wee, Beti was with me and Zeus was on the bed. (yes our bed!) I was washing up and even from the kitchen I heard Steve "Get Out, Get Out, Get Out." I knew something was seriously wrong and came running into the living room to find 6 dogs instead of 2. Steve was holding on to a seething Orin on the sofa and Ross was standing in the middle of the room equally aggressive. Loki was stood by the telly considering his options and Meerah was bouncing on her mother's head! I grabbed Ross by the collar and marched him out, the girls followed, and I then realised that Sammi was out with Siska, they've never had a fight, but Siska is team Orin, and Sammi is team Ross! LOL I bought Sammi back into the living room, went to move Beti and sent Sammi into the middle room.
Through all of this, Orin was seething, but obedient and respectful of Steve who was holding his collar, he stayed on the sofa throughout. To be fair, Ross also stayed back and did not lunge forward. I came back into the living room to the realisation of what could have happened. It would have been war between Ross and Orin, and it could have been even worse if Sammi and Siska had decided to join in, or fight between themselves. Luckily it didn't happen. So what went wrong? Simple, Human error, I didn't turn the key in the door so Ross or Sammi simply opened it! I apologised to Steve, and calmed Orin down, but Steve knows as well as I do that we, he and I are what ocassionally lets the side down.