Well there was upset yesterday as I received a very stroppy text from one of my neighbours. It was after 10.30am and he informed me he'd been in hospital all night and was trying to get some sleep, but the barking coming from ours had woken him up. He went on to say that I should consider people living around me when the dogs were making so much noise .... Hmmm!!!! (Let me point out he lives in a caravan not in a house, yet anyway)
Ok, these guys get up between 7.00am and 7.30am everyday, they go out in 3 small groups, then Zeus goes out alone. Any noise at that time if from Zeus and Ross who are in the house and moaning as they're waiting to go out. There is not a hope in hell of that being heard across two fields. The dogs don't then go out again till about 9am. Meerah and Loki go into the garden and Orin and Siska go in the yard and top field, discounting Ross and Zeus for the same reason as at 7am there is no noise. Next out are Ross and Beti, Beti barks and Ross screams for as long as it takes to get across the yard to the field, so seconds Siska also has a few objection barks in the pen. After their time in the field Beti goes into the small pen and Ross is joined by Loki, Sammi and Meerah ... yeah everyone barks or screams in excitement, but it's usually over in less than 30 seconds. Unless there is reason to bark, i.e someone about, there is then no noise, if there is noise they are usually reprimanded. (Mandy my closest neighbour says she hears "Shut the fuck up" far clearer than any barking)
At around 10.30am I start the walks, yeah there will be intermittent loud barking that may go on for
minutes at a time as everyone anticipates their turn. I'm sorry, but I don't think minutes of group baking intermittently mid-morning can be considered offensive, can it? From about 2pm (usually earlier) the dogs are all in the house other than when they go out for wee breaks, those times are usually silent, unless Zeus is barking in the bedroom, again that is not a consideration. If these dogs bark, there is a reason ... if that is the postie or a delivery man then they are quickly quiet. If there are voices carrying from neighbours houses then they will continue to bark, I can't cope with that myself, so I bring them in. In my opinion, and after no complaints from neighbours in over 30 years, considering we have a group of dogs there is very little noise here.

So what was his problem? Well he says he'd been in hospital all night and had only just gone to bed to be woken up by these. How could I have envisaged that? Surely a polite message explain the situation was all that was asked for? Was his stroppiness necessary? Ok, we will give him the benefit of the doubt that he was tired, irritable and maybe ill, so I'll let it pass over me this time; but if it happens again, I will go back all guns blazing and I will mention how annoying he was with his chainsaw after dark the other evening, (well I heard it when I was getting coal!) I will tell him how much he cost me in vets bills with Asha and Tali after they ate bits of lobster and something really disgusting he threw onto the common land behind his cottage. Oh I have a list .. funny that and nothing negative to say about anyone in either of the other 3 houses!!! I did write a spiel to send to him, it was polite starting with "hope you are better" and ended up with "Happy New Year," but a neighbour, a friend and Steve talked me out of it. I didn't ignore him, this morning, at around 7.15am I sent him, "I hope you are all better there today." I did kind of hope the text had woken him up though!!!🙈🙉🙊