Tuesday 5 July 2022


Ok, after the top photo was shared, I've had some interest on Facebook in Zeus. People are saying that I should be showing him. 
Here are photos of the two brothers in stance, other than coat there is not a lot between them in side profile. Both rich black and tan colours, (only the light affects the colour here) one has better eye colour and one has more length of foreleg. Stood side by side in stance, I'm not sure I could pick between them. Luckily there is a lot more to dog showing than a dog in stance and here is where these boys are miles apart. One has a naturally strong, powerful far-reaching gate, the other has a tendency to pace. One has strong front pasterns, the other is back on his pasterns and turns his feet to ten to two, or at least five to one, lol!!! One has strong rear pasters and straight hocks, the other is a little cow hocked. So on the move one comes into his own, the other falls apart .. place your bet on the class winner now because I know exactly where my money goes. 
I've no idea whether the diet (raw) or type of exercise that Zeus had during the first year of his life has affected his movement, but one thing is for sure he has classic "Long Coat" front pasterns. Dog showing is not a cheap hobby, we have increasing entries, increasing fuel prices .. and of course increasing dog food prices to consider. Zeus has proved over and over that he is not the dog he was portrayed to be, we don't need to put him in a show ring to discover his real self, we live with him. He may well keep visiting shows to cheer on his best mate but no, he won't be going in the ring, he has nothing further to prove!