Thursday, 31 March 2022

More Training

A successful night at Club for Orin last night, no grumbling and no excessive looking behind. He was stood and moved front and centre. Kitt the Mali had been up here this week and we'd tried to do some training in the field. It was kind of successful with both wanting to play, there was no real focus on training but at least no one was worried about anything. 
Last night Kitt was moved really close to Orin and was allowed to go forward and touch him on the move. Orin did jump forward, but as the touch was not negative we allowed it to happen again and again  - I think it's a good exercise to do with a dog we trust 100% to only touch. 
The other members of club, no matter their breed have been a fantastic help, as is always the way you can guarantee some will help and other who say they will .. don't! 
Looking at these photos I think I may take Orin in the ring myself at local shows. I think stood more relaxed, as he is, he will appeal more to all-rounders. I've no idea why he looks 10ft long in the group photo, it certainly looks like he's lengthened an inch or two to the dog I know. Again with this photo I'm thinking before putting in on social media - as yet I haven't!