Thursday, 24 March 2022

Burnt Mountain And Walks

Our beautiful Mynydd Mawr, otherwise know as Mynydd Grug (Heather mountain) is burnt to buggery. The wildlife will be decimated, and the financial cost doesn't bare thinking about. A helicopter has been carrying water up from Llyn Ffynhonau all morning, as well as firefighters on the ground. It's just been on the BBC1 Wales lunchtime news, and they said they don't know how this fire was started. Really???? We do! 
There is increased tension between the young upstart and the main man. I have to admit, Nico is at fault. He seems to need to say his piece, and Zeus is maturing and less tolerant of an old man telling him who's boss. Jezi was a lot less lame this morning, but got us up at 6am with diarrhoea. Boiled egg it is for dinner tonight Jez!

Other than Ross being a dipstick, this walk was without incident. The girls may scream and shout at each other and Ross tears around like an idiot, but they are great fun. I give no special thought to Loki now, he's back being one of the gang. 

To be fair these three are pretty good, Siska annoys Kaiah, but I try and keep that in check. Orin has a habit of going too far, and when I call him he gives me a Tali look of "I'm just doing this, I'll be there in a minute!"