Wednesday 10 March 2021


After 2 days of being clean in the house Siska ran in from the garden last night and pooed in the house. To be honest I didn't blame her and I kind of went along with it. It was so rough that I didn't want to stand out there either. There is worse to come tonight so I think considering everything we'll just do the best we can and won't stress about accidents today.
Early on Siska had been a pretty quiet puppy. Some of you know that I was concerned about her size and her slow mobility and co-ordination compared to the others. I guess I'll never forget Winnie and I'd become quite paranoid. Siska was also quieter, but cuddlier than some of the other pups in the litter. Steve suggested maybe because of her attitude that she wouldn't be the best show dog, but I just thought I'm sure I can get her out of her shell. Well it seems there will be no need. Over the last week to 10 days with her siblings Siska had really come on, she had more than proved she was very capable of looking after herself. 
I've started calling Siska "Spitfire" My god she's so cheeky with the others, and Kaiah really is trying to teach her some manners. Her biting is horrendous, now we accept that all puppies bite. I've just been through it with Orin, I haven't had time to forget, but the power of Siska's bite is on another level. Through our jumpers she is breaking the skin and bruising us, and when she's in one there is no calming her down. No, I'm not complaining only observing and noting the differences. 
The Urban Dictionary explains Spitefire so well ...  "A fiesty bitch. Dont mess with a spitfire; She is sweet on the outside but if you mess with her man, she cuts bitches. A spit fire knows everything! She knows where you live. She's beautiful and a sweetheart. But you try somethin to get her man you won't be in existence anymore. Watch your back!!"  That is just so funny! 
I never really imagined we would have this many dogs again. We had 11 for a period in 2012 and I said then never again.(We lost 3 that year and found a home for Danni) If Kaiah had not missed to Zalu then maybe I wouldn't have gone on to have the second Sammi litter, then we would be one less. The pick of bitches from Sammi was always destined to stay in joint names but to live with Sarah. Basically she is Sarah's pup, but for show purposes I co own her. I set my heart on a male from the K litter but Ginger was really catching my eye at times. I felt that Ginger and Kaiah were quite similar and that as half sisters it may not have worked. To be honest Orin was the right choice. If Kaiah had been barren then I had the opportunity of an Isla puppy to fall back on, but obviously my first choice was to have a Kaiah pup. Siska is here now, I had to take this opportunity to have my puppy now, who knows maybe Kaiah will never have another litter and then I would have missed my chance to continue the line through her. 
I'm sticking to the Doctor John's puppy food with Siska, it did Orin really proud. My only concern is the amount they suggest the puppy should be eating at this age. Bloody hell I'd never get that much into her, she'd be shitting all day Anyway I remember having this conversation with the owners of the K Kids and looked back, Orin was up to 425G by 12 weeks and his sister Jazz was on about 400g. I think I'll aim to have her close to what Jazz was on in a months time. Siska maybe smaller but she is quite sturdy and currently eats well. 
There has been a little tension within the pack, Sammi wants to play with Siska but Kaiah leads heraway. To be honest she pushes in between anyone who's playing with her, no aggression, she just walks through and takes over. Ross is not keen on Siska playing with his kong or hanging off his tail, I think his request that she doesn't do it is not unreasonable. Haha. I don't envisage any problems with Loki or Orin and I protect Asha from the Spitfire's teeth as best as I can! Now Ziva, Ziva is a problem. She seems to question Kaiah's parenting skills, and in fairness it's not her call. Kaiah has been a great mum and is taking charge of her toddlers tantrums very well. I've no idea what Ziva thinks should be done differently but her interference doesn't go down very well with Kaiah. I don't recall Ziva having anything to say about Sammi's parenting skills. I'd love to ask her what the problem is, another of those times when you wish you could have a conversation with them, I can just hear her say, "Well these young mother haven't a clue, back in my day ....."