Wednesday 31 March 2021


Morning and afternoon ears today
More often than not teething will affect the ears, but by 5 - 6 months the ears should really be upright and will continue to strengthen as the months go on. 
As we approach 12 weeks to 3 months the puppies will soon start teething. Puppies begin teething at around 3 weeks, and by approximately 6 weeks, they have all of their evil baby teeth.  At around 12 weeks, these  teeth begin to fall out, and the permanent teeth begin to erupt. Normally by 6 months of age the bite should be complete, with only minimal changes after that as the jaw continues to grow. The horrendous chewing of teething may continue beyond this as the teeth set into the jaw. 
The new coat will soon be starting to show, usually a ring of shiny hair halfway along the tail is the first thing that's noticeable. That always fascinates me, that followed by the hair on the wither and down the spine. So many fascinating changes to come now over the next few months.
Thankfully Siska is better today. There has been no blood in her stools and she's "going" a lot less. Maybe still a little more than normal .. but nothing like she was the last 2 - 3 days. Hopefully now she'll continue to improve.