Friday 17 July 2020

Asha Today

My concerns for Asha increased as the day went on. I felt on the walk that she was brighter than yesterday, and of course we had the lobster saga, but I do feel this afternoon that she is not feeling her best. I think she is drinking more than usual, but not excessively, she lacks her usual spark and seems a little wobbly. Don't get me wrong she was first to the dinner table and eating with her bottom sticking out of the crate, this causing a slight traffic jam as Kaiah tried to get past to get to her own food. Everyone's dinner is put into their crates for them and when the door is opened its great to see everyone, including Orin, going into their own place for their meal. I put the bowls at the front of the crates, most will go in turn round and eat .. but not our Asha .. she can't wait that long and has to start eating before turning her bottom round. Bless her.
I've had a cry this afternoon as I know that we are now in the twilight times .. I hate the days of uncertainty and decision making and we will go on day by day forever remembering it's better to say goodbye a week too early than a day too late.
Here's hoping the sun is shining a little bright and that out matriarch is back of form tomorrow.