Friday, 17 April 2020

Fat Fudge

Damn the photo is blurred but I didn't get a second chance ... Fudge is now flying ahead on weight, but Basil is now only an oz behind Ken and Biscuit. He was so small I just can't believe how well he's caught up .. I really wasn't expecting that!
Spice is the biggest of the bitches, but Ginger who was quite small has put on the most weight, putting her now on a par with Chilli. Beth is still the smallest, but she is now at the same weight as Asha's daughter Danni was at the same age. All of course heavier than Aria was at the same age. Beth is a small compact little bitch like Aria really .. one to watch I think!
There is no point comparing the weight of these puppies with Sammi's previous litter. They were three huge puppies, double the size of these at the same age. So I compare them to Asha's nine who were bigger at birth but these have now well caught up. Yeah really pleased they are doing so well.