Wednesday 24 July 2019

Zalu Strikes Again

A long coat getting a CC? OMG no it must never happen say the old timers in the breed. Well it has, last April Zalu was the first male L.C to get a CC .. and now just to make sure we are aware that they are here to stay Zalu has now gained his second RCC.  With the breed standard changed to include 2 coat varieties any honest judge has to judge them on an even keel. 
Of course there is a lot of controversy, of course it's hard for a lot of people to accept .. myself included to be honest, but we have to move with the times, If you judge by the amended standard then these dogs have as much right to top honors as any S.C .. and why would you put a lesser quality S.C up over a L.C simply on coat? 
Of course I still question the effectiveness of the coat in all weathers in a working dog.