Well the Yellow Blanik Bus has had a reprieve ... last night we had decided we were buying a Ford Transit. Good looking van with bags of space and I felt it was great to drive too. But sleeping on these things often leave doubts don't they ... and the memories of Blanik Bus No.1 and it's habit of breaking down at all the wrong moments came flooding back. This yellow van has it's quirks but it's so reliable and has got me from here to there and back so many times. To be honest I'm very attached to it and stupidly I will probably cry when it's time to say goodbye.
Yes I want a bigger van, but all I could say to Steve yesterday was, "Why is it so cheap?" Somehow if felt wrong. By this morning he too had doubts and he phoned our local garage for advice. He felt something was amiss too and as he knows my van well he said it was worth more than was offered for it and was concerned this would not be as reliable as it. I told Steve if he had doubts then he should cancel .. he did and the seller showed his true colours with some sarcastic and childish comments. Ah well!
Of course I'm disappointed, you get your hopes up and make plans for setting it out for the comfort and security of the dogs. I'd even arranged to have side windows put in so the guys could continue to enjoy sitting up and looking out on their journeys to shows. They enjoy the journey almost as much as the shows .. but there you go when there's nagging doubts we have to listen to them.
I've told Steve to stop looking at the pages and sites for the time being, we really can't afford anything better than we've got and until we can there is no point looking .. better the devil we know! Maybe I too should take up religion and maybe then god will provide for me too!!!!