Thursday, 21 February 2019


This morning a Facebook GSD page was asking what was the meaning behind your dogs names?
Most here are well documented but I considered Sammi to just be a variant of Samantha. - Of English and Hebrew origin, most accurately means "God Heard". In Aramaic, it means "Listener". In Greek, it may mean "Flower"
But as I looked further I found this on the Urban Dictionary and I find it so appropriate.
Sammi - Probably one of the most amazing girls you'll ever meet. Anyone friends with Sammi should be honored, for this is a female who will always have your back and will be the one, true friend you need. Sammi is a truly beautiful, inside and out, and anyone who really knows her will never want to lose her. She has one of the best hearts, and though she can be uncomfortable around people she doesn't know, she has an abundance of kindness that you'll be lucky to receive from this wonderful friend. Nonetheless, never piss her off. Her threats can be very scary, harmless as they actually are. She will never threaten her friends, though, and she will never give someone a reason to really be mad at her. Her one main flaw that gets her hurt the most: she cares too much. But you'll still love her. Sammi is normally a brunette with brown eyes. Sammis are the kindest on the earth. If your friends with a Sammi don't lose her she is an amazing friend and cares for you like your her family. Sammis have beauty on the inside and out. They are the best friends and girlfriends, all boys want her and all girls wanna be her.