Friday 15 February 2019

Boys And Their Toys

Ross flew into the water, as he does, swimming strongly and purposefully with his treasured Kong in his mouth. Ideal, I would shampoo him and blast him when I got home.
I threw Loki's toy in for him to retrieve, and that's where it went wrong, Loki just looked at it and wittered "get it yourself." I tried to persuade him to fetch it, but he was not having it, and I was not going for it! Ah well I decided it was bye bye toy! I set off back but then realised the toy was now close to the bank on the far side. I wondered if I could get down the steep bank and get to the toy, but back on that side of the lake I couldn't see it and had no idea where it was. The old cogs started churning and I thought, I'll go back round again and count the trees, that would give me an idea of where the toy was. Just as I was setting off there a man came up the track to the lake and I decided to take advantage of him!!!
Me - "can you see an orange toy in the water?"
Him - "A what?"
Me - "An orange dog toy .. somewhere along the edge of the lake."
Him- "A what?"
Trust me to get the village idiot, no seriously only joking. I dragged Ross' toy out of his mouth to show the guy and bless him he directly me from the other side of the lake along the bank to where the toy was and watched as I nervously made my way down the steep bank. Loki started to follow me down the bank and with all the strength I could use without tipping over the edge I pushed Loki down into the water shouting in Welsh "Where is your toy?" Success, thank you sir whoever you are we could never have done it without you!
 The toy floating off to the centre of the lake and Loki's not going for it!
Yes I came down the steep bank through the gorse from the fence almost into the water,
all for half a bloody toy!
(You can see the toy floating in the water by Ross)