Monday, 31 December 2018

New Years Eve Walks

Super walks with everyone to Llyn Cop. Even on a dull Winter's day the views where spectacular. As usual I got carried away with the camera - over 30 photos on the album on Facebook. It was a quiet peaceful day with only a few other walkers, all respectful and keeping a safe distance. Apart from Kaiah's naughty tricks all the dogs where faultless in their behaviour today and with Steve visiting his son I felt no need to rush home from the walks.
Someone asked  the other day if I get bored doing the same walk three times in one day. I don't always do that, but to be honest more often than not I do as I don't want anyone missing out. I don't usually go to the same place two days in a row as we all like a change, but I never get bored. To start off with look at the scenery I'm blessed to walk in, but really the big difference is the dogs. Every walk is different, to be honest the last is always the most entertaining. The three youngsters are just so much fun, as are the girls but I do feel a little sorry for Jezi who would love to play but generally, though not exclusively, Nico only has male dog things on his mind. Such a shame that Jezi doesn't like anyone else as I'm sure Loki or Ross would love to play with her!