Wednesday, 20 June 2018

These Things

No photos today, I was too concerned about the rain but everyone was walked. Have to admit it wasn't pleasant, I guess my main worry was the poor visibility. The mist was that thick it was hard to see anything and Asha had it on her and kept wondering off. To be honest, she always does but normally it's not a problem as she's always in sight. I know that mountain so well, but I did think that if someone dropped me off on the middle somewhere today I wouldn't know where I was.
I cried as I walked, again my brain repeating the events of the past few weeks. Little Billy Bob, 16 years is a long time to share with an animal and then find they are not there. He was such a sweet but odd little guy. Steve said he walked like a pigeon, hence the nickname Billy Bob .. his little head bobbed up and down as he walked. I honestly thought he would outlive Tia, he'd been so healthy till recently. He hadn't seen a vet for years, well until earlier this year and that was just his cataract, Tia has looked like a corpse for years! She's now starting to neglect her coat .. and needs brushing. I'm not brave, or stupid enough but Steve tries. I must video it .. it's quite funny really, she's such a nasty bastard!
Now it's bright sunshine, but a little breeze. I wish I'd waited to walk but the young guns are a pain in the morning until they are walked, and having missed a few days today they were horrendous. Once they've been out they are no trouble and calmness replaces the madness.
Ross is not quite sound today, he seemed quite stiff first thing and again after our long sleep. I do worry about what the future holds for him. Something is not right and until I can get the money together for further tests I will not know whether it's something and nothing .. or a problem that will escalate further in life. I still have him on fish oil and turmeric .. maybe it's helping? One thing is for sure I won't take him off them until we know one way or another. I have also considered putting him back on Vit C .. as long as we do no harm!