Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Remember Me?

Little Teddy.
The first sable baby boy that I considered buying a year ago. At the time I was advised that he was lacking substance, was plain of colour and lacking coat. My word how they change. He's now a substantial boy with super colour and has a similar coat to Ross I would say .. enough to get by. I love his black mask - I've always have been a sucker for a black headed dog, but of course I've no idea what his conformation and movement is like, but looking like that I can't imagine I'd have gone far wrong!
I still have a strange attachment towards him, and it's so lovely to see his photos and see his living a wonderful life. 
Think I may message and see if there is any recent updates on sable 2 
I can't remember his pet name. 
Ross, on the right with his brother at the same age as puppy Teddy in the first pic. 
Ross today - just a few weeks younger than Teddy in his photo