Monday 13 November 2017

X Factor - Part 2

Well this didn't start off as well for me with the contestant singing a version of "Praying for Time" that was too similar to the original and therefore gave me room to compare. In fact most of the evening was the same. In the girls category  Grace did "I Can't Make You Love Me," Rai-Elle doing "They Won't Go When I Go," and Holly Tandy doing one of my all time favourites "One More Try!" Only really Holly managed to show the emotion and passion associated with these songs.  There are only 2 boys left and Sam murdered "I'm Your Man!" He was way out of tune, it was pitchy and uncomfortable viewing.. then it was the turn of the Welsh boy Lloyd doing "A Different Corner," another huge classic but my god he nailed it, even Sharon was in floods. 
Though Lloyd gave the best performance of both nights I personally preferred the performances of Saturday night for the simple reason that most of the artist did something different with the songs. For me it was easier to listen and not compare them to George, the songs on Sunday where too similar to the originals and though they gave their best they simply didn't come over with the same passion and emotion. 
Still like I said I'm glad X Factor had a tribute week end for George. I'm glad there was a celebration of his music and that his work was heard and hopefully appreciated by a younger audience. 
Have a listen to Lloyd who is clearly moved and emotional after singing the song. Hopefully the young man with the powerful voice and infectious smile will go far in the competition and beyond!