The week has gone well mostly. He's generally getting on well with everyone, though I guess the bond is forming with Kaiah, as I hoped it would. He still doesn't understand why sometimes Tali wants to play and other times she's really very sharp with him. Basically with Tali it has to be on her terms, she's too old to be mithered when she's tired. Similarly he doesn't understand why Sammi loves him and plays with him but then when she's in her crate she becomes very aggressive. Sammi is and always has been possessive of her crate .. warning to all cats and dogs ... keep clear.
Ross isn't as foody as ours, though he finishes his meals he doesn't like biscuits at all. We've tried Bonio's, gravy bones and a few others, he has no interest. He doesn't like toast, carrot, or many titbits either .. but he loves fish treats and chicken and similar tasty things. He did really enjoy licking out the yogurt pot and for safety had taken it to his crate!
At the moment Ross is still biting everything, including me. He doesn't seem to have learned from his mum how hard is too hard. I guess that's down to us now to teach him. Krizzie was the only one that we've had who bit equally as hard and as often at his age and I know it took me ages to stop her! But we'll get there.
Mostly everything is going to plan with our confident young man ... Happy times ahead I hope!