Friday, 14 July 2017

Poorly Jezi

Poor Jezi has a bit of an embarrassing problem, she has a very sore bottom. Hopefully she has nothing more than an anal gland infection in the left side. The Vet said it would have been very uncomfortable and she must have been licking at it a lot ... but honestly she hasn't touched it, one of us would have notice if she had been. It was only the colour around her bottom that drew our attention to it a couple of weeks ago. I washed her down a few times and kept an eye on it and everything seemed to clear. But as it has returned I felt something more was wrong than I could deal with. They emptied her anal glands and found blood and gunk in the one side, so they decided to clip the hair from around her bum so it would sweat less and be easier to keep clean. Unfortunately in doing so they caught the skin around her bottom and that made it bleed, which was a concern as it really shouldn't have done. My poor girl was so well behaved, she really was a model patient. Like I said, hopefully an infection, the worst case scenario doesn't bare thinking about.
That was case scenario is called anal furunculosis. The vet didn't mention AF, but I had to ask the question. She's a young vet and has only been practicing a year or so and did seemed unsure. Though I have seen photos I've only seen AF once in a rescue dog and this doesn't seem like it to me, but that was well established so I may not recognize it early on. Anyway for once I'm in a positive frame of mind and hoping the antibiotics, rimadyl and fuciderm cream will clear this up. Obviously we need to keep it clean and I'm hoping for a drastic improvement so we don't have to go back in 5 days.
See this is me being positive .. good yeah!