Monday, 20 March 2017
My Cock -Ups Continue ..
.. and this morning I'm annoyed with myself as it could be detrimental to Tali's continued well being. This morning I have given Tali and Asha each others breakfasts! In normal circumstances it wouldn't matter but with Tali's IBS anything can upset her stomach. It was too late by the time I noticed, both bowls where clean. It's been a few weeks since Tali had diarrhea, she's been doing so well. Now I must prepare for an explosion, the only comfort will be I'll know why!
I'm not sure my other cock up is down to my dysfunctional brain, as I did make a conscious decision to do it, indeed I prepared for it. Poor Kaiah's mouth has been a little sore. Her puppy teeth are now all out and the others are pushing through her sore gums. She's chewing at anything she can find. The "anti rawhide" crowd always suggest a large frozen carrot. They take time to chew and the cold is soothing on the gums. I thought I'd give it a go. So I put a large carrot in the freezer at lunch time and gave it to her early evening when she was alone with me in the kitchen. She loved it, but Ziva got suspicious that she was missing out and came into the kitchen. Kaiah panicked that she was going to loose her carrot lolly and ran into the middle room. Instantly I put Ziva out of the room and went to bring Kaiah and her carrot back .. but yeah, you've guess it, the carrot was gone. So that's the second carrot she's swallowed, except this one was frozen and a lot larger! Hopefully there won't be any problems and her digestive system will gradually break it down. But one thing is for sure, despite the bad press we will be sticking to rawhide - Kaiah will not be having another carrot!