Yesterday turned out to be such a difficult day. At first my head was bad, swimming and aching and I knew I was not safe to drive the van down for it's MOT. But with an hours rest on the sofa we finally managed to get it there for 9.45am ... 15 mins late!
On returning home I discovered a lady who I knew through the dog showing circuit had died. Her 18 year old daughter had had to tell the world that Tina had died in a tragic accident in their home. Tina was a lovely lady, there was a smile and a chat every time you saw her. Such a loss, so young.

Then came the second lot of bad news ... 10 fecking months. I couldn't believe it. No doubt a catalouge of errors were made, but not by bad people, these are good people who simply got it very wrong. My lovely friend I still cry today as I think of you, you were the last thing on my mind last night and the first thing today. I can't help but worry and think about what your doing now and what faces you over the next few months ... be strong and stay safe, hopefully your nightmare will soon be over.
The van passed it's MOT - though it leaks like a basket it's really quite a good van!
Dog club was a strain last night, but we were determined to be there and more determined now than ever to keep it afloat until she comes back to us. Kaiah was a star, far better than she was on Tuesday, but I was quite disappointed to see Kyle so sharp. Hopefully this will be sorted quickly!