Friday, 30 September 2016

And He's Off!

Well this morning I'm not a happy kitten owner! As predicted by Mr S, Jimmy Choo made it outside over night, and he's only just over 4 months old. I'm really not impressed, but he's very pleased with himself. He's had his breakfast and gone for a sleep. There will be no stopping him now, and no I can't close the cat flap that wouldn't be fair on the others, but I have to at least think of a short term over night plan! Maybe as Loki is now using the big crate I'll shut Jimmy in the smaller crate overnight. He's really is too small to fend for himself out at night. We do have wildlife about, but generally Foxes don't bother cats. It's other cats that I would worry about really, especially any unneutered males who could be about, they could well take exception to this cocky little teenager on their patch!