I had never heard of the judge, and certainly never seen him before. He was a nice pleasant guy who's decisions were somewhat mixed! He felt a need to give verbal critiques in all classes, which is usually only done by breed judges at Championship shows ... but maybe they do it with horses too! He said he loved Loki conformation and that he was in tip top condition, actually "standing apart in the class!" Yes a lovely comment but I was somewhat embarrassed in front of the other exhibitors! When giving him BIS he said he was a lovely strong male and he loved the way he was gliding around the ring! Again I've never heard anyone describe my dogs movement in that way ... but you know what? I know what he means! Loki is one of these dogs that has a huge long stride, he's light on his feet and covers maximum ground with minimum effort! Yeah .. you could say he glides!
Saturday, 4 June 2016
A Horse Show In Mona!
I had never heard of the judge, and certainly never seen him before. He was a nice pleasant guy who's decisions were somewhat mixed! He felt a need to give verbal critiques in all classes, which is usually only done by breed judges at Championship shows ... but maybe they do it with horses too! He said he loved Loki conformation and that he was in tip top condition, actually "standing apart in the class!" Yes a lovely comment but I was somewhat embarrassed in front of the other exhibitors! When giving him BIS he said he was a lovely strong male and he loved the way he was gliding around the ring! Again I've never heard anyone describe my dogs movement in that way ... but you know what? I know what he means! Loki is one of these dogs that has a huge long stride, he's light on his feet and covers maximum ground with minimum effort! Yeah .. you could say he glides!